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5 week intro to printmaking

Starts 1 Apr
160 British pounds

Available spots

Service Description

Join us for a captivating 5-week Intro to Printmaking course at Jemma's Studio in Backwell! Designed for participants of all abilities, this artistic journey will explore the diverse realms of relief, drypoint, collagraph, and monoprint techniques, fostering a creative and playful environment. Week 1: Monoprinting Discover the enchanting world of monoprinting, where spontaneity reigns supreme. Experiment with additive and subtractive processes, stencils, and direct drawing on the plate. Embrace the unpredictability of monoprinting, allowing creative expression to flourish. Week 2: Botanical Printmaking Explore the art of botanical printmaking in this session. Using traditional techniques, you'll create unique and beautiful prints from natural materials like leaves and flowers. Week 3: Introduction to Relief Printing In our inaugural session, delve into the fundamentals of relief printing. Participants will master the art of carving and printing from linoleum blocks, experimenting with various mark-making techniques. The focus is on creative play, encouraging each artist to discover their unique voice. Week 4: Drypoint Printing Unleash your creativity by scratching, etching, and experimenting with drypoint printing. Learn plate preparation, mark-making, and inking techniques to produce prints that showcase individuality and creativity. This session encourages participants to explore their artistic boundaries. Week 5 - Combining Techniques This session encourages participants to combine learned techniques—relief, drypoint, monoprint—creating multi-layered prints. Explore how these methods complement and enhance each other in your personal artistic style. Logistics: Location: Jemma's Studio, Backwell Time: 6-9 pm All materials provided. £160

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

For a full refund we require 2 weeks notice.

Contact Details

  • Jemma Gunning Printmaker, Cheston Combe, Backwell, Bristol, UK

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